AWOME is a women lead non-profit organization that aims to promote gender equality and fair opportunity for women and girls in the mining sector

Women Empowerment

AWOME is working with grassroots women empowering them to achieve gender equality and Educating women in artisanal and small-scale mining sectors and mining communities with knowledge of sustainable mining practices and environmental conservation.

Building Capacity

We are Building capacities of women to embrace economic literacy and support women groups to participate and fight for social and economic justice; through training on leadership, education and business. These trainings promote women’s participation in economic development, inclusion in decision-making and policy implementation.

Decent work for women in mining areas

AWOME is part of the decent work for women campaign and gender equality. Which seeks to promote economic rights for women in mining communities by empowering them to access economic assets and opportunities in the mining value chain. Women are part of the important drivers in the economy and albeit the important roles they play in sectors such as mining they are still faced with several challenges in reaching the apex and enjoying decent work in the sector.


What do they say?

Thank you!

handaiziva kuti kune zvinhu zvakawanda zvatinofanirwa kudziidza semadzimai ku Mining. Ndinotenda Sophie and team

- ChiChi

Amazed by great results!

Finally, a group that understands women

- Chikirirai Muchaninga


Team members


Happy women


Supported lenders

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